FIGURE 1: Survival of S. cerevisiae cells expressing Bax during acetic acid treatment. The wild type W303-1A and pep4Δ mutant strains transformed with the empty vector (PYES2) and PYES2-Bax alpha were incubated with 120 mM acetic acid for up to 360 min.
(A) Cell survival of W303-1A strain and (B) W303-1A pep4Δ strain for up to 360 min was determined by standard dilution plate counts and expressed as a percentage of c.f.u. in relation to time 0. Data represents means ± S.D. (n=2).
(C) Cell survival at time 360 min was determined by standard dilution plate counts and expressed as a percentage of c.f.u. in relation to time 0. Data represents means ± S.D. (n=2). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.