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FIGURE 5: Farnesol affects the association of specific translation factors with the 48S pre-ribosomal complex. (A) Formaldeyhyde sucrose density gradient analysis on extracts from the MLY61 strain either treated with 100 µM farnesol for 15 min or untreated. Immunoblots on gradient fractions are shown below the traces and these were probed using antibodies against the indicated proteins. (B) Quantitation of the proportion of eIF4G and eIF4E present in the polysome fraction of the gradients before and after farnesol treatment. Quantitation of the proportion of eIF4G and eIF4E present in the 40S region of gradients before and after farnesol treatment. (C) Whole cell extracts and immunoprecipitation samples derived from the eIF4G1-TAP tagged strain treated with 100 μM farnesol or untreated were analysed via mass spectrometry. The plot shows the relative number of unique peptides that have been matched to the identified protein in the sample where the untreated was normalised to 1 to facilitate a direct comparison of the different translation factors.