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FIGURE 1: High variability of polyP abundance in different Leishmania species. Parasites were grown in complete Schneider’s medium. PolyP was extracted from 2 x 107 logarithmic phase (day 3 post dilution) promastigotes, digested with the polyphosphatase Ppx1, and released Pi was quantified colorimetrically. Results of a pool of 2 independent experiments were expressed as mean ± SD of polyP level relative to L. major. Statistical significance was assessed by Student’s t-test; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, ns: non-significant. Lmj, L. major (IR75); Lae, L. aethiopica (LDS372); Lme, L. mexicana (M379); Ldo, L. donovani (AG83); Lgy, L. guyanensis (M5313); Lbr, L. braziliensis (LTB325); Lpa, L. panamensis (1166).