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TABLE 2. Summary of phenotypic characteristics of the engineered sepJ mu-tants.

a Data from Fig. 3: +, normal filament length; [+], intermediate filament length; -, extensive filament fragmentation.

b Diazotrophic performance summarizes diazotrophic growth (Fox phenotype, from Fig. 5), nitro-genase activity, and production of heterocysts (from Table 1). +, positive; [+], weak positive; -, negative.

c Calcein transfer is summarized as: +++, normal (not significantly different from the CSFR11 control); (++), defective (61 to 69 % of the CSFR11 control; note that the difference between strains CSFR21 and CSFR11 could not be defined as statistically significant); (+), defective (37 to 47 % of the CSFR11 control; 32 % in the case of CSVM90) (see text and Table 1 for details).

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