FIGURE 7: The effect of proton-ionophore FCCP on S. cerevisiae (rho+) cells co-expressing Abp140-GFP and Abp1-RFP (strain CRY1337). The live cells were either glucose-depleted for 80 minutes (80 min Glu-) or treated with 20 mM FCCP for 20 min after glucose depletion for 80 min (80min Glu-; 20 min FCCP). For comparison the cells cultivated in 3 % YPG (3 % glycerol) for 80 min were also subsequently treated with 20 mM FCCP. Treatment with FCCP generated loss of actin cables in glucose-free media. Distribution of fluorescent markers is presented after deconvolution and projection of several image layers in the stack (Z-stack) using Xcellence software (Olympus). Bar, 5 µm.