FIGURE 7. Overexpression of dctA is sufficient for DMB resistance in succinate. (A) Chromosomal location of the gain-of-function mutation in strain JE26529. This strain was isolated from succinate minimal medium supplemented with DMB (1 mM). The transcription start site is denoted as + 1 [35]. (B) Growth analysis to study DMB resistance in succinate is shown. Cells were grown in NCE minimal medium supplemented with succinate (30 mM), acetate (0.5 mM) and DMB (1 mM). (C) DMB resistant mutation increased the sensitivity of cells for 5-fluoroorotate (5-FOA). Cells were grown in NCE minimal medium supplemented with glycerol (20 mM) with or without providing 5-FOA (1 μg/mL) as indicated.