Back to article: Metabolic reprogramming of Salmonella infected macrophages and its modulation by iron availability and the mTOR pathway
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FIGURE 8: Scheme of interactions between iron, mTOR and metabolic activity in macrophages upon Salmonella infection. Left panel: Upon infection mTOR stimulates the Warburg pathway causing promotion of anaerobic glycolysis whereas citric acid cycle activity (TCA) is reduced resulting in improved control of infection with intracellular bacteria such as Salmonella. Right panel: Increased abundance of iron in cells activates the TCA cycle but reduces anaerobic glycolysis resulting in a presumably pathogen friendly nutritional environment. In addition, iron is an essential nutrient for Salmonella and may feed bacteria directly. To which extend iron and mTOR interact directly or indirectly remains to be shown although blockage of the mTOR pathway even further stimulated the growth promoting effects of iron on Salmonella.