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FIGURE 5: HsRAD52-S346X alters the in-solution oligomerization state of HsRAD52. Superdex 200 size exclusion elution profiles are shown for HsRAD521-212, HsRAD52-G59R1-212, and HsRAD52-S346X. HsRAD521-212 (red trace) eluted as a single peak at 50.0ml, with an estimated size of 360kDa. HsRAD52-G59R1-212 (green trace) eluted as a single peak at 49.6 ml with an estimated size of 366kDa. HsRAD52-S346X (blue trace) eluted as two peaks; the first peak eluted at 51.9 ml with an estimated size of 335kDa, and the second peak eluted at 58.7ml with an estimated size of 257kDa. (mAU = milliabsorbance unit).

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