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FIGURE 3 (A) Quantified DNA fluorescence intensity by DRAQ5 staining (top bar graph) in relation to metabolic level (FUN-1 staining, bottom) in log-phase cells without desiccation. It shows that G1 cells with higher DNA fluorescence intensity (by DRAQ5 staining) had a lower metabolic level (single crystal by FUN-1 staining) (left), while G1 cells with lower DNA fluorescence intensity had more than one FUN-1 crystals (middle), and S phase cells also had multiple FUN-1 crystals (right). Approximately 400 cells were counted from each experiment and the data presented here are the sum of three independent experiments. *: p < 0.05; ns: not significant. (B) HSP26-GFP localization in log-phase cells without desiccation. Hsp26-GFP was observed in G1 cells with low DNA content (G1-L), but not in G1 cells with higher DNA content (G1-H), S-phase (S) or M-phase cells (M).

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