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FIGURE 7: Effects of cholesterol supplementation on Lp intracellular replication. Intracellular bacterial replication measured by bioluminescence output over 108 hrs from BMDMs infected with Lp icmRp–LuxR (MOI of 2.5). Cells were either cultured with the indicated amounts of cholesterol for 24 hrs prior to infection (a-b) and infected in serum-free media (SFM) or were treated as indicated for the duration of infection starting at 2hpi (c-d). (a and c) Luminescence output from infected BMDMs measured at the indicated times post infection. (b and d) Ratiometric analysis of Lp intracellular replication in the presence/absence of cholesterol or FBS. For each time point the ratio represents the bacteria-derived bioluminescence output produced when BMDMs were cultured under the indicated treatments divided by the output produced when BMDMs were cultured in SFM. (a-d) shown are averages from technical triplicates ± SD for each time-point. **** p<0.0001, two-way ANOVA. (a-d) Representative data from one of three biological replicates are shown.