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FIGURE 2: Endocytic fitness of non-targeted and various PM-targeted p110α versions. (A) Bright field (left image) or fluorescence microscopy (right image) representative images of typical FM4-64 vacuolar staining in YPH499 cells expressing the kinase-dead mutant p110α(K802R), 60 min after the addition of the vital dye. (B) Graphical representation of the percentage of cells (n ≥ 300) showing the aforementioned vacuolar staining pattern when expressing p110α(K802R), p110α-CAAX, p110α, myr-p110α, Cdc10-p110α and Pil1-p110α. Results displayed in the graphs correspond to the mean of three biological replicates performed on different clones. Error bars represent the standard deviation (SD). Asterisks (*, **, ***) indicate a p-value < 0.05, < 0.01, < 0.001 respectively by the Student´s t-test, referred to p110α(K802R). Scale bars indicate 5 µm