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FIGURE 2: Spatiotemporal expression of HcSMA2 in H. contortus. (A) Transcriptional profile of Hcsma2 in eggs (E), the first-stage larvae (L1), the second-stage larvae (L2), the third-stage larvae (L3), the fourth-stage female (L4f), the fourth-stage male (L4m), adult female (Af), and adult male (Am) worms. Data show mean ± SEM from 3 assays (****, p ≤0.0001). (B) Western blot of the total worm protein probed using the rabbit anti-HcSMA2 serum (lane 1) and the pre-immune rabbit serum (lane 2). (C) Tissue distribution of HcSMA2 in adult worms. Immunofluorescence was detected by α-HcSMA2 and pre-immune sera. Organs annotated in the image include platymyrian muscle cells under cuticle (msc), eggs (e), uterus (ut), intestine (i), and testis (t). Scale bar, 50 μm.