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FIGURE 3. (A) Live/dead imaging of cells in single-species or in mixed biofilms formed by L. gasseri, C. albicans or C. glabrata after 24 h of cultivation, at 37°C and 25 rpm, in MRS. The insert details the labelling of the dead yeast cells in the mixed biofilms. The images presented are representative of a set taken from the biofilms in three replica experiments performed; Candida spp. single and mixed biofilms scale bar corresponds to 75 μm while L. gasseri single biofilm scale bar corresponds to 25 μm; (B) Quantification of the number of dead Candida cells in the single-species or in the multi-species biofilms formed, based on quantification of the number of red-labelled yeast cells in all pictures taken from the biofilms, compared to the total number of Candida cells in the field (corresponding to green-labelled cells). For this quantitative analysis more than 1000 yeast cells were imaged in each condition. Statistical significance was calculated using one-way ANOVA (****p-value below 0.0001).