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FIGURE 5: The acetate present in MRS medium potentiates the inhibitory effect of L. gasseri over C. glabrata cells. (A) Cellular viability and medium pH during single or co-cultivation of C. glabrata (○, •) with L. gasseri (□, ▪) in MRS medium having 60 mM sodium chloride as the sodium source (instead of the normally used sodium acetate). The cells were cultivated alone or in the presence of each other, under the same conditions described in Fig. 1. Filled symbols correspond to the samples taken during single-species cultivation while open symbols correspond to the samples taken during co-cultivation. (B) Cellular viability of C. glabrata and L. gasseri after 96 h of cultivation in single culture or in co-culture in MRS media having increasing concentrations of acetate. Note the decreasing viability of the yeast cells as the concentration of acetate increases. The results shown in this panel concerning cellular viability of the different microbial species were taken from the full growth curves that are shown in Supplementary Fig. S3. Statistical significance of the differences found in the presence or absence of acetate were calculated using one-way ANOVA (*p-value below 0.05; **p-value below 0.01; ***p-value below 0.001; ****p-value below 0.0001).